Hip Hop Songs in Your Own Home Recording Studio

I have the benefit of your home, especially outside of the hip hop style hip-hop songs (http://hiphopwiredin.com/) mastered by mastering engineer can not stress enough . Mastering an acoustically tuned environment & specific gear by a trained ear is no doubt that the end result will be better . You are going to be used in your home, the hip-hop recording studio & apply for and achieve results , which you already have the recording gear / software in order to help achieve the results of using . You are recording on Digidesign Protools software , the plug-ins you can use the program . Consult your user manual for the programs should be comparable to the processing plug-ins .

About you – 3dB at the master level meter with which never hit the red to the two-track stereo mix of your song, start your mastering session . This mix is already a variety of sound systems / sources , as well as to translate a couple of volume & EQ tweaks that need a boost in the way you want it to be noisy .

You can start with the EQ earbuds , car system, a bookshelf stereo , mono sound sources , such as a clock radio, listening to the mix after you have taken any of the different types of notes , based on the lows , mids, & the best sub- woofers to make adjustments to your master, you can , of course , very few large computers is a sub- boss, all in the name of the laptop speakers & earbuds have more bass & end up in a good sounding , etc. your goal is to laptop speakers . Each of these sources has a resolution to retain the master key still . You can also listen to your mix, you will work with EQ are the first things to show up in the frequency of multiple sound sources to listen to the problems . To cover them with you to find the frequencies of the sounds of other frequencies by increasing and reducing the risk of trial & error to try to remember is always better to tackle . Any EQ tweaks and adjustments so that the display of the stereo mix you can actually solve the problem in another area to make sure that does not have a big one that is going to affect the whole song .